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Tree Planting

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  • Micro dust is causing a big problem in all seasons. While the debate on how to resolve the problem is ongoing, environmental experts came up with a sure and easy solution: tree planting. Two years ago, the Korea Forest Research Institute found that the forest absorbs 42% of micro dust created in Seoul.

    Tree planting seems like an easy solution, but it takes much effort and time for a tree to fully grow from a seedling, absorb micro dust, and release clean oxygen. It is the same with our new members whose faith grows over time; they take root of faith and become mature to be gospel workers benefiting the world.

    The forest of the gospel, which God has been cultivating with patience, is getting denser and thicker, branching out into all corners of the world. Day after day, more souls grow healthy in Zion where the clean water of life flows and it is full of love. Our gospel future is bright.