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You Are More Beautiful Than You Think You Are

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  • A British company launched a unique campaign by using the FBI’s forensic sketch technique to instill pride in women and show their true beauty. The slogan of this campaign is, “You’re more beautiful than you think.”

    In New York, U.S., an FBI-trained forensic sketch artist interviewed seven women of different ages and races. The artist could not see women’s faces, but could only ask questions about the women’s facial appearances. Women also could not see the artist and could only answer his questions. The next day, third parties came and described the women’s faces to the artist.

    The results were astonishing. The portraits drawn on the second day, based on the third parties’ description, were all more beautiful than those drawn on the first day based on the women’s description. While the women portrayed their faces passively and negatively, the third parties portrayed them positively. As the women saw the two different portraits, they smiled gently and shed tears, and they chatted with the artist for a long time about the true beauty they were not aware of. This ad gained tremendous sympathy from around the world, and won an award at the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival.

    Everyone has their own pros and beauty. It is a Christian’s virtue to admit their inadequacies and repent of their wrongdoings, but let us not shrink back and think negatively. Be humble, but have self respect. God loves us enough to sacrifice Himself for our salvation. In God’s eyes, we are much more beautiful and precious than we think.

    “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (Jn 3:16)