
Photo Enlightenment

Making Songpyeon

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  • The members in India are busy leading their family members to the truth. Wondering how I could help the members as a female pastoral staff who assists in the gospel, I planned to cook something that would remind them of Mother’s love. Right on time, songpyeon, a traditional Korean rice cake, came across my mind.

    Actually, I didn’t know what to do at first because it was my first time making it. I prayed earnestly and searched for information on how to make it. Since rice in India is different from that in Korea, I made rice cakes by grinding various types of rice to find the most suitable one. While preparing it, I could feel the heart of Mother who wants to give tasty and healthy food to Her children.

    I came to have know-hows while making it. The more you knead the dough, the more chewy it becomes. When using a flower-shaped cake mold, put oil in the dough to keep the dough from sticking, and you can also make a pumpkin-shaped songpyeon by using toothpicks!

    As I delivered the songpyeon rice cakes, I found out that the members were exhausted for various reasons. I felt sorry for not having comforted them warmly.

    By Mother’s grace, the pretty, sweet, and tasty songpyeon touched their hearts.

    “Thanks to Father and Mother! It is too pretty to take a bite of!”

    “Wow, it got rid of my fatigue. I really thank God.”

    Hearing over the phone the voices of the members who were moved by the songpyeon made with love, I realized that Mother used my hands to comfort Her children. I, too, gave thanks to Mother.