
Photo Enlightenment

My Father’s Thank You Greeting

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  • My father does not believe in God. I thought hard about what I could do to help him feel God’s love. Then, I was reminded of the first one of the Teachings of Mother.

    “As God always gives love, giving love is more blessed than receiving love.”

    Giving love! I thought that I should learn to give love than to receive love just as God always gives love without expecting anything in return. While thinking about how I could practice “giving love,” I remembered that my father really loves chocolates. So I thought it would be a good idea to make heart-shaped cookies coated with chocolate and present them to my father.

    Making cookies, I prayed that not only the cookies would be heart-shaped but actually contain Heavenly Mother’s love. After making the cookies, I cooled them in the air, put them in a cute container, and gave them to him. It was a nervous moment. I really wanted to deliver Heavenly Mother’s love to him.

    Surprisingly, he brightly smiled and thanked me for the cookies. Then, he took out some brownies in the kitchen, and handed them to me, saying, “Thank you for the cookies; these brownies are yours.” I was moved to tears.

    Heavenly Mother gives Her infinite love to us, sinners, without any condition. As a result, heavenly children are moved and come into Her arms. I want to share the love I received from Heavenly Mother with my father so that he may eventually be born again as a child of Heavenly Mother.