

Being a Pillar in Zion

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  • Due to my job I only spend a couple of years in one place, and then move on to my next place of duty. Every time I move to a new place, I look for Zion close by and become a member of a newly established Zion. It is truly amazing to participate in the Gospel at such a growing stage of a newly established Zion, though admittedly challenging one. Father wrote, “Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God” (Rev 3:12). I have always been proud and joyful, thinking of the blessing.

    A pillar is an important structure used as a support for a building or as an ornament. However, since I didn’t really understand the blessing, I forgot its value as time passed by. Though I continued to preach the Gospel, I hadn’t borne fruit for a long time because I lacked love. I began questioning about my role in Zion, neglecting my duties and turning my thoughts to meaningless things. In no time, my faith became stagnant and lukewarm.

    Then on a recent business trip, I had to make a stop in the city where I strongly felt the first love in the Gospel. Usually, when members speak of their first love in regard to the Gospel, they may refer to when they first received the truth. Though it was an overwhelmingly joyful experience, my first love was not found when I was baptized. However, since I moved around a lot due to my job, I realized love in the place where I first had an honor of becoming a gospel worker. At that time, I experienced the love that comes through the Gospel of Christ for the first time. In the beginning when the Zion was just established, though only a few members realized Heavenly Father and Mother’s great sacrifice and became the first pillars, they diligently preached to bear good fruits. They served the members one by one, wanting to fulfill Heavenly Parents’ earnest desire.

    While the Zion was growing, I moved to another city. When I came back after a long time, it was filled to the brim with beautiful brothers and sisters. At that moment, I was overcome with tears of joy. I could imagine that this feeling must be how Heavenly Father and Mother feel when They see Their lost children streaming back to Zion. Though the beginning of the Gospel was weak and it took a long time for them to grow, finally it became a mighty nation according to God’s words.

    It was not by chance that God, who saw my faith growing faint, made me stay there. It made me look back on myself spiritually and physically. I saw with my own eyes that Heavenly Father and Mother grant great blessings to each step we take for the Gospel, no matter how small.

    Now I realize that being a pillar in Zion is not something just said to encourage us but there was so much more. This year, once again by Father and Mother’s grace, I have been blessed to belong to a new Bible Center for the fourth time. I will not waver but hold tight on the foundation of Christ to be the pillar of Zion. As the pillar that beautifies the wedding gown of the Bride, the reality of Heavenly Jerusalem, I will speak of the glory of Jerusalem through good deeds.

    I resolve to humble myself and to make every effort to become a beautiful pillar in God’s temple. I will lead my brothers and sisters into the arms of our gracious God Elohim with love.