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  • Being a high school senior this year, I wanted to dress myself neatly to be an example to the student group members in Zion.

    So I ordered a pair of shoes with good reviews right away. As soon as I received the shoes, I tried them on, but they were a little tight for my feet.

    I was excited at the thought of going to worship, wearing my new shoes.

    On the Sabbath day, I went to Zion with my shoes on, instead of wearing my sneakers. The shoes were a bit uncomfortable, but tolerable.

    On my way back home, however, I felt a surge of pain in my feet.

    Unlike the sneakers with soft cushioning, the shoes had thin, hard soles, and I felt the impact when my feet hit the ground.

    A short walk of no more than 500 meters (0.31 miles) felt like a thousand miles.

    All of a sudden I was reminded of Heavenly Father.

    Father walked the rough mountain paths in His old shoes over and over again, in order to find His lost children.

    Only after I have experienced foot pain by wearing the shoes can I fathom the sacrifice of Father.

    I give thanks to Father for having walked the path of the gospel for us, even in difficult circumstances.
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