
Pass Mark Required for Entering the Kingdom of Heaven

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  • One day, I read a story about the “pass mark required for entering the Kingdom of Heaven”

    One man stood before the gate of Heaven.

    The angel, who was the gatekeeper, said that the man could enter Heaven only if his marks were above 1,000 points.

    He was confident that he could easily enter Heaven, because he did many righteous things while living on the earth.

    So he mentioned all the righteous deeds one after the other with self-assuredness.

    The angel gave him only one point.

    He was bewildered to get such unexpected marks.

    He explained his righteous deeds, saying he diligently attended the church, prayed hard, and faithfully lived the life of faith.

    Then, the angel gave him four points.

    After realizing that he could never enter
    the Kingdom of Heaven with his own power,

    he began to eagerly pray to God for help.

    At last, the angel said that he could enter Heaven because he gained 1,000 points.

    We’ve received the promise of the Kingdom of Heaven, not because our faith or deeds were great.

    We must always keep in mind that we can never enter Heaven if God does not allow us to, although we may bear a great number of fruits and do righteous deeds.
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