
Flight of a Bird Named Common Swift

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  • A bird suddenly fell in front of me while I was walking with my co-worker.

    The bird flapped its wings but couldn’t fly up again.

    Hearing from my co-worker that the bird looks like a common swift, I called the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds [BSPB].

    Upon hearing the situation, they kindly explained,

    “Swifts spend almost their entire life in the air. That is why they have large wings compared to their bodies, and their legs aren’t developed properly.

    When a common swift falls to the ground, it is very difficult for it to leap with both feet and soar. Please take it up to a high place and push it slightly off to the air so that it can fly.”

    As I followed their advice, the bird flew away, high into the sky.

    While living a life of faith, we may grow weak in faith or want to give up sometimes when we face difficulties.

    When that happens, Heavenly Father and Mother raise us up by giving out Their helping hands with mercy.

    I hope for the day when we will all fly up to Heaven with God’s help by not giving up on our path of faith.
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