
Gospel of the Kingdom in the Whole World

Where We Are Headed Is the Starting Point

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  • I went on a long-term mission to a region I had been to on a short-term mission previously. I was busy, taking care of the members I had led to Zion before, and as a result, I didn’t have time to recollect my old memories. I was embarrassed of myself because my gospel goals were only about increasing the number of fruits. With a resolution to please Heavenly Father and Mother by finding gospel workers who will undertake the gospel mission, I walked over an hour every day to get to new places for preaching.

    Our brothers and sisters had diligently preached there, so many people had already heard about the Sabbath and the Passover. However, they did not want to listen to the message of salvation a second time, so I spent about two weeks without being able to preach to anyone with the Bible. I gradually became exhausted. I lost my confidence that I would surely find my brothers and sisters, and I was filled with doubt, ‘Will there be any of my brothers and sisters here?’ Meanwhile, I was reminded of something I had heard in Korea.

    “God never makes your trouble in vain!”

    Amen to that. I realized that God must have sent me to India because there were surely His children to be found. With such faith, I diligently preached the Gospel on the vast land of Bhopal. Then, I came across a house with pictures related to Christianity; I stopped and knocked on the door. A mother of children came out the door. She explained that she no longer attended any church because she was once disappointed at illegal acts of her previous church. She welcomed me into her house. She said that she had been diligently praying to God to find the true church. From then on, I visited her every day to deliver the words of the Bible. I was thankful to her for making time to listen to God’s word every day. However, she was more thankful to me, and within a few days, her entire family received a new life as God’s children.

    It turned out that Sister Debora had heard the truth from Zion members about a year ago and promised to receive a new life but then she lost contact. It was because the sister moved to a new place around the time the Zion moved to a new place, and her contact number changed as well. The sister shed tears of joy, saying that God gave her a second chance to be saved.

    The sister grew day by day, firmly believing that God came to the earth in the flesh according to the prophecies of the Bible. Her husband, too, regarded God’s laws as precious and even changed his day off to Saturday to worship God. On the days when the brother couldn’t come to Zion, the sister came to Zion with her children by bus. Later, she transferred to Zion that was established nearby her house, and I heard that she dedicated herself to serving Zion, and even bore her first fruit. Hearing about the sister who obeys the teachings of the Bible and even makes efforts to store up blessings in Heaven, I was filled with gratitude.

    It’s been six months since I met the sister. Sometimes, I heave a sigh of relief. What would have happened if I hadn’t preached in the village where the sister lived just because the truth had been preached there? If then, I might have lost the soul who yearned for God. Other members were also surprised, saying, “I preached in the village a lot. Why weren’t we able to meet her?”

    I’ve recently moved to a new gospel field, and I am sowing seeds of God’s word in this new village. It doesn’t matter where I am. I will set to my mission with a renewed mindset because there are always God’s children who earnestly seek God.