
Gospel of the Kingdom in the Whole World

Boasting about Heavenly Father and Mother Every Day

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  • Last January, I flew to Aracaju, the state capital of Sergipe in Northeastern Brazil, to find our lost brothers and sisters who were eagerly waiting for the news of salvation. Thinking I didn’t have much time to stay there, I diligently delivered God’s voice to as many souls as possible. However, people negatively responded to the message: “I already have enough knowledge of God’s word. I don’t need to study the Bible anymore,” “The Bible may testify about God the Mother, but I will believe in God the Father only,” “That’s your own interpretation about the Bible,” and so on.

    Most of them didn’t want to believe in God the Mother the Bible testifies about. There were some who showed interest, but it was hard to meet them again. Besides, it was a hot summer season then, and my determination to please Heavenly Father and Mother by bearing good fruit weakened over time.

    “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Gal 6:9)

    I reminded myself of the verse whenever I felt like I’ve hit my limit. I firmly believed that there was God’s will in sending me to the place though I was going through difficulties.

    The preaching festival of the Pentecost came. I joyfully preached with the members to entirely focus on the festival of the gospel. On the fifth day, I met a woman with her child at a park. Confirming the existence of God the Mother in the Bible, she wanted to study God’s word more and promised to visit Zion on the upcoming Sabbath.

    On the Sabbath day, she came to Zion with her child as she had promised. She was curious about why female members cover their heads with veils. After learning God’s commands one by one, she received a new life with her two children.

    The new sister loved Zion because everything was explained through the Bible. She brought her family—her husband, sister, and sister-in-law—to Zion despite the long distance between her house and Zion. I realized the past five months were the necessary period I needed to wait with endurance to meet these precious souls. I was ashamed of myself for being impatient, anxious, and exhausted without fathoming God’s profound will. I made a determination to become a gospel worker who diligently preaches about Heavenly Father and Mother with gratitude and endurance in all things.

    The park where I met the sister for the first time is where I preach the gospel often. I’m acquainted with shopkeepers in the area. They ask me where Heavenly Mother is, but God the Mother is testified by the Bible and God’s creation. It is also natural that God’s children boast about their Parents. I will preach harder about God Elohim as a child of Heavenly Father and Mother, until the day when all the heavenly children scattered around the world will return to Zion, listening to God’s voice.