
Gospel of the Kingdom in the Whole World

Searching for Pearls in the Sand with a Thankful Hear

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  • I was exhausted while working after graduating from university. To regain my strength, I participated in a short-term mission, and then started the overseas mission in earnest. The country I chose to do my overseas mission was India which is known as a land of gods and goddesses.

    India has much to do with gods. To Indians, religion is life itself. They are religious in their daily lives. Among numerous gods, they pray to gods they believe in whenever they can, and take their days off on their religious festivals. It wasn’t easy to preach to them about God Elohim the Savior in this age. Although we explained that the Bible is fact and that there is God the Mother as well as God the Father, they rejected the truth, saying, “The books I read are also based on science and facts,” or “All gods are the same.”

    Even though some showed interest in the truth, there was another problem. The economic situation of India has reportedly become better, but the city I was in was still under poor conditions. The majority of people had two jobs to make a living, which made them have no time to study the Bible.

    A heavenly family member found in such a situation was like a pearl in the sand. There was this brother who used to be Hindu but converted to Christianity because he believed that one of his family members was cured of an illness when he prayed to God. He received the truth through one of his neighbors who attended the Church of God, and led his wife and children to Zion. His family kept God’s regulations holy and learned the word of God, which invigorated the atmosphere of Zion. His three-year old son greets us, “God bless you,” in a lovely way after
    every worship service. I’m sure God is also pleased with him.

    While preaching to find more beautiful souls like the brother’s family, I’ve formed a good habit of giving thanks. About ten days from the end of May are the hottest in India. In the city I stayed, the temperature went above 46℃ [114.8°F], but I was thankful that it did not go over 50℃ [122°F]. While preaching door to door under the scorching heat of the sun, I felt thankful again to preach the good news of the kingdom through which we can be exempt from the punishment of hell.

    I could also fathom the heart of Heavenly Father who preached the gospel alone. How sad he must have been, seeing the souls who rejected the good news of salvation due to their busy life! But it must’ve pleased him greatly when he found a heavenly child, too.

    Is it because I’m a daughter of Heavenly Father and Mother? It feels wonderful to see new members grow in faith in Zion. No matter the circumstances, I will keep doing the gospel work with great joy and gratitude. I will diligently and thoroughly find all the pearls hidden in the sand.