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If We Want to Become a Good Tree

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  • I participated in a tree planting event held in Loganville, Georgia. The tree planting event is one of major campaigns of World Mission Society Church of God Young Adult Worker Volunteer Group [ASEZ WAO] and it aims to combat the climate change by planting trees. Members of Zion learned to become a good tree that spiritually bears good fruits while doing the meaningful work of maintaining our planet as a home for life.

    We first had to break up the ground to plant seedlings. The groundwork required the most effort. While I was plucking out weeds and removing stones from the ground, I was reminded of God’s word, “Break up your unplowed ground” (Ho 10:12). It made me think about how much work and effort I needed to put into changing my hardened heart as well, but I made a determination to break up my hardened heart by changing my arrogant and rough character, no matter how hard it might be, in obedience to God’s word.

    Then, we planted seedlings in the ground, and tied them to stakes. It was to help them endure the rough weather together since they were not deeply rooted. This was similar to how we should work with our brothers and sisters in unity. When we endure hardships in unity with our brothers and sisters, our souls can stand firm on the foundation of faith. And our unity greatly strengthens us to overcome hardships we experience in our life of faith. Recently, we weren’t able to often meet one another due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it rather helped us realize how precious each member is, and we come to take care of one another much better than before. I really want to be a reliable member to my brothers and sisters in all circumstances.

    The last part of the work was to water the trees. Since the trees did not form roots deep enough to worry about getting damp, we could pour a lot of water on them. That reminded me of the members who take the first step in their life of faith. I learned that I should wholeheartedly deliver God’s water of life to the new members who are like the new seedlings so that they can take deep root.

    I truly give thanks to Father and Mother for allowing me to not only contribute to improving the world environment by planting trees, but also make a new determination in the gospel. I will make every effort to become a good tree that resembles God.