
Share Love & Increase Happiness

The Importance of the First Comment

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  • When I see malicious comments on the Internet news and criticism people make without any reason, I frown and feel offended even when I am not involved. That is why I tend not to read comments though I read articles. Just in time, ASEZ, the World Mission Society Church of God University Student Volunteer Group, carried out the “No More Verbal Abuse” campaign. The campaign was to encourage people to use uplifting words in daily life online and offline, and I started posting positive comments.

    Then I realized the importance of the first comment while taking part in this campaign. Normally, a good comment leads to another uplifting and encouraging comment, but a malicious comment leads to another malicious comment.

    I once posted a positive comment on an article from a tragic accident, and many people started posting encouraging words for the victims. It was different from when people were busy pointing out the cause of the accident, criticizing with rough words; I felt warm while reading them.

    Since then, I tried to leave positive comments on more articles. I posted comments with consolation for those who were having a hard time with COVID-19, and with gratitude for the medical staff who were working hard on the frontlines. Although I couldn’t meet them, I hoped that everyone, who read the comments I wrote, would be encouraged and overcome difficulties.

    My daily life has changed a little as I post comments with gratitude and encouragement. In the past, I used to speak straight forward, but now I avoid using those hurtful words. Instead, I try to speak soft and good words that make people happy.

    Some words can become like a knife that hurts others’ feelings, and some words can become like a bandage that mends others’ broken hearts, depending on how we use them. I will use gentle and encouraging words more often to inspire and heal others’ broken hearts.