

Honor Your Father and Mother

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  • I hadn’t spoken to my physical father in almost five years due to an argument we had. I told myself I didn’t need him, and thus we stopped talking.

    Afterwards, during a video sermon, I heard about how we should treat our physical family. I understood how we treat our physical parents is how we treat Heavenly Parents. My heart began to feel heavy, and I couldn’t hold back my tears. I remembered I didn’t handle the situation well. As I was reflecting, I started to realize more of my sin toward our Heavenly Parents.

    My pride and arrogance got the best of me, and I easily justified my actions. I didn’t just treat my physical father with such disrespect, but I also was arrogant and disrespectful toward my Heavenly Parents. My prayers for years were nothing short of robotic with no sincerity, and I neglected putting the teachings of Heavenly Mother into practice. As I remembered almost every evil deed of pride and arrogance I had displayed, my heart broke to pieces. At that moment, I realized why I had felt so distant from Heavenly Father and Mother for such a long time.

    I knew that if I wanted to change and be reborn, I needed to repent. I knew I had to deal with uncomfortable, tough, and paining situations to try to mend my relationship with my father and most importantly, with my Heavenly Parents as well.

    As Father’s Day in June approached, I thought it would be great to express my apology to my dad and surprise him with lunch. I decided to write him a letter of apology. In the letter, I explained that it was all my fault. And I wrote that my actions do not reflect what God taught me, and that I would be a better man by living a life of faith, and that I would like him to see how I would change. I told him I loved him so much and that I needed him.

    I planned to read the letter to him before I left his house after having lunch. As the time was coming near to leave, I was thinking very intently, and my wife, a sister, whispered in my ear, “We are leaving soon. Don’t be afraid. Just read him the letter.” At that moment, I did something I hadn’t done in such a long time. I had gotten up and went to pray in the restroom. I asked Heavenly Father and Mother to give me the strength to obey Their will and allow me to overcome my nerves. After my prayer, I said to myself, “Okay, let’s do this,” and I started to read my letter to my dad. At first, he just sat and looked in deep thought. As I started to read more, I could see tears pouring down his face. When I was done reading, my dad looked at me, stood up with tears, and hugged me so tight. I felt as if a weight of sin and my old self had lifted from me, and I could finally breathe.

    On the way back home, I felt happy. I can’t help but give all thanks and praises to God Elohim for allowing me to realize all these things before it is too late. I will make efforts to change my character. Heavenly Father and Mother, please let me be born again and glorify You by giving thanks to You and humbling myself.