
Short Story/Children’s Story

Looking for Garnet 3

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  • On the third day morning, Nos. 7, 2, and 11 began to work in the east side of the cave as partners. Nos. 12, 6, and 10 started working in the west side of the cave. Each had a different tool. When one of them dug the wall of the cave with a pickax, another one cleaned up the soil with a shovel, and when the wall was too hard to break with a pickax, the other one with a hammer broke the wall.

    At first, they had some quarrels because the one with a pickax and the one with a shovel hit each other’s tool by mistake; often, pieces of stone flew and hurt others when the one with a hammer hit the wall. Whenever that happened, No. 7 mediated the quarrel. Thanks to No. 7, they were able to work in more unity from the fourth day.

    Then came the fifth day. In the morning, No. 7’s right cheek began to hurt a lot. It hurt so much to tears. Not knowing what to do, Nos. 2, 6, 10, 11, and 12 tried to comfort No. 7.

    “Hang in there. The pain will go away.”

    “Yeah, you’ll be alright.”

    Right at that moment, a piece of rock fell off No. 7’s right cheek. All those who saw his face were in great shock, because they saw his soft skin in the spot where the piece of rock fell off. On the back of the piece of rock that had fallen off from No. 7’s face had a word written on it, “Complaint.”

    In a little while, No. 7’s right arm was in pain again. This time, everybody watched him quietly. The piece of rock on his right arm fell off and there again was exposed the smooth skin. Then they quickly picked up the piece of rock that just fell off; the word, “Hate,” was written on its back.

    It was just as the silver bird had said. The pieces of rock that covered their bodies were the pieces of evil thoughts and deeds such as complaint and hate. When they threw away a bad thought and filled the spot with love, the piece of rock fell off and the skin that had been hidden was exposed.

    The other Rock People, who had not joined them, realized their mistake, seeing how No. 7 changed. They came up to him and asked,

    “If it is not too late, can we join you guys, too?”

    “Sure! We still have time.”

    Nos. 1, 4, and 8 became partners and worked in the north side of the cave, and Nos. 3, 5, and 9 looked for the garnet in the south side of the cave as a team.

    When the sixth day came, seven of them were able to shake the pieces of rocks off their faces, arms, and legs. On the back sides of the rocks were written the words—Envy, Jealousy, and Greed. That evening, they sat around the table and conversed with one another. No. 7 who had shaken off all the pieces of rock said,

    “Tomorrow is the last day. I know it is painful to get rid of evil thoughts, but let’s believe the promise that the king and the queen made to us, and try a little harder. Even I, who have no courage, have done it. So, I’m sure that you will be able to do it, too.”

    Then all of a sudden, No. 1 felt a severe pain in his chest. Then the piece of rock fell off his chest. Everybody’s eyes were fixed on the piece of rock. On its back, it read, “Arrogance.” It fell off as No. 1 was moved by what No. 7 said and threw away his arrogance. Everybody congratulated and gave him a round of applause.

    Then the seventh day dawned. All night, no one except No. 7 could sleep because the pieces of rocks kept falling off their bodies. Now, the only one piece was left on the left leg of No. 3. Sitting around the table, they looked at each other’s change and gave a comfortable smile which they had been unable to do for the longest time.

    It was the last day. With hope and excitement, the twelve Rock People took their joyful steps to the mine. In the cave, they were absorbed in the work of finding the garnet in unity in the north, south, east, and west, humming which they had never done before.

    While doing the work with a joyful mind, the sun was slowly setting. They had to leave the cave before the sun completely set. Being anxious, No. 3 burst into tears which he had been holding back.

    “I still have a piece of rock on my leg. You may become rocks because of me. So sorry, guys.”

    Everybody was heartbroken to see No. 3 crying; they understood how worried he must’ve been all alone. They all hugged each other and wept. As they comforted him instead of blaming him, No. 3 wept louder. Right at that moment, he felt a severe pain in his left leg.

    Clink! The piece of rock on his left leg broke off. No. 3 picked up the piece of rock with tears and looked at the back of the rock. It read, “Distrust.” Everybody’s heartfelt comfort removed No. 3’s distrust that was in the back of his mind.

    After a moment of silence, the people looked around the cave quietly, hoping to see the garnet since all their evil minds were gone. However, they couldn’t see it anywhere. Disappointed, they left the cave.

    “I’m happy that we care and love each other now though,” said No. 7.

    Then No. 12 agreed,

    “Me, too. I feel very peaceful and happy.”

    “Me, too. I never felt like this before. I’m very glad to have regained love. That’s enough for me.”

    “Me, too.”

    All the others agreed.

    “Let’s go back home and spend our last evening together.”

    “Yeah, let’s go back to our home. It’s been great to be with you guys.”

    When they stood in front of the door of their house, they tilted their heads. A bright light was filtering through the crack of the door. As they opened the door and entered the house one by one, they all turned into princes as they had been a thousand years ago. What happened?

    The garnet, which is the symbol of true friendship and faithfulness, was the big red table that was at the center of the house. Only when the princes filled their hearts with love could they recognize the garnet which had been inside their house for a long time.

    The king and the queen placed the garnet close to the princes, not hiding it. It was because they believed that the princes would be able to have the most beautiful brotherly love when they comforted and encouraged each other, sitting around the table.

    The princes have restored their memories through love, consideration, and unity, not with envy, jealousy, or hate, and the house of the twelve princes has turned into a castle like before.

    Tonight, the joyful and exciting sound of laughter from the beautiful castle is heard even in heaven, and Chanticleer who has come back as a faithful servant is serving the princes wholeheartedly.