
Short Story/Children’s Story

Looking for Garnet 2

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  • The Rock People were originally twelve princes who ruled over nature. The princes often discussed with one another and took good care of the beautiful and mysterious forest together. However, after the shadow of darkness went through the forest, the princes became greedy to own the whole forest all alone.

    Prince No. 1 built a high wall and let no one come over the wall so that he alone could enjoy the brilliant fish in the rainbow valley. Prince No. 2 made a huge glass case and put it over the fragrant flowers in the middle of the forest so that no one else except him could smell the fragrance. The other princes too alienated each other to take good and beautiful things in the forest. While the princes fought each other, the beautiful forest changed to a desolate rocky mountain.

    The king and the queen of nature were heartbroken to see the princes and the forest change. They sought the way to help the princes restore their love like before, and they decided to take drastic measures which were going to take a long time.

    The king and the queen put the princes to sleep for a thousand years and restored the rocky mountain little by little so that it could be in its original state. Then they made the things that were in the princes’ hearts such as hate, jealousy, greed, and complaint become pieces of rocks and attached them to their bodies. Like this, the twelve princes became Rock People and woke up from their long sleep only with the memory that they needed to find a gem called garnet.

    No. 7 was shocked to hear that they were under a spell, and tears rolled down his face. No. 12 just gazed at the sky.

    Pulling himself together, No. 12 asked the silver bird in a mournful voice,

    “Then does it mean that we can never become like before?”

    “There is a way to be free from the spell.”

    “What is it? I will do anything! Tell us now!”

    No. 7 looked at the silver bird with the pleading eyes.

    “You have to find the garnet as soon as possible. However, you won’t find it until all the twelve of you work with one mind. The gem is so sensitive that it reveals itself only when all of you are considerate, united, and love one another. I’ve explained to you how to break the spell, so you have to hurry. Everything has to be done in seven days from the time you heard the way to break the spell.”

    “What? What happens if we don’t in seven days?”

    “This beautiful forest will turn into a rocky mountain again, and you will be hardened and become rocks.”

    No. 7 and No. 12 were startled. Since they heard the way to break the spell, they had no time to lose. They hurried home and waited to tell other Rock People about it.

    Cock-a-doodle-doo! Cock-a-doodle-doo!

    No. 1 was the first one to wake up by the cry of Chanticleer.

    “Oh, no! It’s already time to wake up?”

    Soon, the other Rock People also woke up one by one. They sat around the table and had breakfast as usual. When they finished breakfast, No. 7 cleared his throat and spoke up,

    “Ahem, I have something to tell you guys. Would you gather around please?”

    The Rock People sat around the table here and there. No. 7 hesitated a little, not knowing what to start with.

    “What is it? Spit it out!”

    As No. 3 urged him to say it quickly, No. 7 caught his breath and opened his mouth.

    “Do you guys think that we looked like this from the beginning?”

    “What do you mean?”

    No. 9 asked him with a blank look on his face.

    “Will you believe if I tell you that we were awesome princes with soft skin, not rocks, before?”

    “No. 7, what’s wrong? Did you have a dream last night or something?”

    No. 1 said sarcastically. Looking at him anxiously, No. 7 shook his head hard, saying,

    “No, I’m not telling you a dream.”

    “He’s right! What he is saying is all true,” said No. 12.

    However, the Rock People grumbled, saying that they just wasted their time, and got up, grabbing their tools one by one.

    “Please listen to me!”

    No. 7 told them the conversation he had with the silver bird. As soon as No. 7 was done telling the story, a commotion broke out.

    “Stop lying. You just don’t want to work, do you?”

    No. 5 yelled at him, but No. 6 seems to be interested in what No. 7 said.

    “If what you are saying is true, what are we supposed to do?”

    No. 7 told them the way to break the spell just as the silver bird explained.

    “I’ve been thinking about it. We’d better make teams and try to find the garnet as soon as possible. The bird said that we can’t become like before if we don’t find it in seven days.”

    No. 6 who was deep in thought said, “Alright! I believe you. Let’s go find the garnet together.”

    Then Nos. 2, 10, and 11 joined them. Nos. 1 and 3 left for work, saying that they didn’t need to hear anymore. The rest of the Rock People also left, following Nos. 1 and 3. No. 7 felt anxious to see them leave like that.

    The next day, No. 7 tried to persuade all the rest, but they didn’t want to change their minds at all. Evening came and No. 7 came home. He was so angry that he hit the wall with his fist very hard. Surprised, No. 12 carefully walked to No. 7.

    “No. 7, I understand how you feel, but let’s be a little more patient. They will believe us soon.”

    “When? Two days have passed. It’s too late now. We’ll turn into rocks.”

    Suddenly, No. 12 came up with an idea and said,

    “Why don’t we ask the queen of nature once again?”

    After thinking it over, No. 7 took heart and went outside with No. 12. Soon after, they stood in front of the rainbow valley.

    “O queen of nature! Can you hear me? If you can, please let us know how to persuade the rest. Please help us.”

    Tears rolled down No. 7’s cheeks. Then soon the silver bird appeared to them.

    “I’ve been waiting for you. It’s not easy, right? The king and the queen are very worried, too. They told me to send you the message that reads, ‘Start working with those who would like to work with you.’ Since the queen has given you wisdom, everything will be okay.”

    No. 7 and No. 12 put on smiles on their faces.
