
Gospel of the Kingdom in the Whole World

Toward the Ocean of the Gospel, Where Waves of Blessing Are Surging

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  • The Republic of Panama which is famous for the Panama Canal is a country where I have memories of my first short-term preaching. Although it was only for a short period of time, the time I spent preaching all day and sharing Mother’s love with the overseas brothers and sisters was truly a happy time. One thing I felt bad about was that I had to receive much help from the local brothers and sisters, because I couldn’t explain accurately even the words of the Bible that I knew due to my poor Spanish. This is the reason why I chose Panama for the short-term mission again when I was given a chance two years after the first short-term mission last winter. I was determined to preach the truth boldly, and share the love I’ve received double the amount.

    Before departure, I focused on studying the Bible and Spanish. As it so happened, the “Foreign Language Bible Preaching Contest” was held, which motivated me to practice preaching in Spanish all the more. Even after the contest, I practiced Spanish as often as I could, so that I wouldn’t lose it, and I strengthened my faith, listening to sermons whenever I had a chance. Nevertheless, I started feeling anxious as the departure date was approaching. I still felt like I was lacking in so many things.

    ‘If someone, who speaks Spanish better than me and has more faith than mine, goes on the short-term mission, more souls might be led to the truth.’

    Knowing what’s in my mind, Mother encouraged the short-term mission teams with overflowing faith and courage.

    “God has prepared everything. You are just going there to receive those blessings.”

    Hearing Mother’s comforting words, I felt energy coming from within me and my heart felt burning.

    After a 20-hour-long flight filled with excitement and expectations, we finally arrived in Panama. It is hot in Panama throughout the year, because it is located near the equator. They have a dry season and a rainy season. When we went there, the rainy season had ended and the dry season had just started. However, there was still humidity in the air. The moment the humid air embraced my whole body, I felt in my bones that I was indeed in Panama.

    Our mission field was a city called Arraijan, about 18 km west from Panama City, the capital. Arraijan Zion was so small when I went there two years ago that the sanctuary would already be crowded with only the church leader and the short-term mission members, but it has grown multiple times bigger since then. It felt so amazing seeing the brothers and sisters we found during the first short-term mission, waiting for us to preach the words together.

    On the first day of preaching the gospel, I got tongue-tied as soon as I started talking to a Panamanian person. Probably because I was feeling intimidated, I couldn’t get the words I had practiced many times in Korea, out of my mouth. Although the situation was similar to two years ago, the result was different. I managed to pluck up my courage thanks to the brothers and sisters’ encouragement, and quite a lot of souls patiently gave ear to what I was preaching about and came to God.

    The new sister we found that day was a middle-aged woman who poured out so many questions as soon as we shared the words with her. Since I couldn’t understand all her questions, it looked like to me that she was having a hard time understanding the truth. However, contrary to what I thought, she came to Zion, saying that she wants to receive the promise of salvation, and she got baptized, kept the Sabbath day evening worship, and went back home. Although she lives pretty far from Zion, she started coming to Zion every Sabbath day and also shared God’s blessing with her younger sister and her sons. Seeing her faith in God grow fast, I felt thankful and stunned at the same time.

    Also, there is a sister who willingly invited us to come inside her house, listened to the words, and became God’s child along with her two daughters. She focused on the words, nodding her head at each scripture she was learning, and she received the truth like a gentle lamb with no hesitation. Afterward, she also led her husband and her mom to the truth and said, “I love studying the Bible. Can you keep teaching me the Bible please?” I could feel her love for God’s word and her sincere heart to share the truth with people around her as quickly as possible.

    Seeing all those souls receiving the truth as if they had been waiting for it, I could surely feel what the blessings God has prepared are, which Mother told us about. Now that I could truly feel that God blesses us wherever we go and allows us to accomplish our goals, I felt ashamed of all those days in the past I felt afraid, only thinking about my ability.

    While preaching the gospel passionately with the brothers and sisters, our short-term mission ended before we knew it. The hot weather of over 40°C [104°F] and the 14-hour difference from Korea made me feel tired. However, I was able to preach the gospel joyfully without being so hard on myself or feeling intimidated thanks to the precious realizations and blessings that I don’t deserve.

    I’d like to say thank you to the local brothers and sisters once again for their great encouragement. The brothers and sisters stayed with us in Arraijan for one whole month and worked with us with all their passion and strength despite their own busy schedule. There must have been so many inconveniences while staying with us whom they couldn’t even communicate with well due to our poor Spanish. However, they kept smiles on their faces and took such good care of us. I was greatly touched by the brothers and sisters who led many souls to the way of salvation by dedicating themselves joyfully for the gospel despite their difficult situations.

    The overseas preaching seemed too difficult for me when I depended on my ability. It was because I was afraid that my inabilities, which are often exposed even in Korea where the gospel conditions are so good, would be exposed even more easily in a foreign country with a different language and culture. I was worried that I would be a burden to the local brothers and sisters because of my weak faith, poor Spanish, and lack of physical strength. That is why I only applied for the short-term mission and couldn’t even imagine applying for the long-term mission.

    The second preaching journey in Panama gave me a chance to feel with every fiber of my body that God is the One leading the gospel and that preaching is the way for us to walk on the blessed path that God has prepared for us. Once I made a resolution to preach the gospel by depending on God from now on, I felt courage surging from inside to preach the gospel boldly wherever I go.

    Reportedly, Panama Canal is not a waterway made by digging through mountains. Just like an elevator, when a ship arrives at the dock, the ship is either raised or lowered by filling or draining the water; this is how the ship passes through huge mountain ranges. The big ship has to cross the huge mountain range along the waterway filled at the dock in order to meet a new ocean. I will also cross over the barrier of fear with courage and confidence God filled me with through my mission trip to Panama, and go toward the vast ocean of blessing. I see rolling waves of prophecy which God has prepared.