

We Are One Big Family

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  • It was on the Passover day. We were pressed for time, so we installed all apparatuses
    necessary for worship in haste without testing them before the time of the worship service. But right before the worship service, we suddenly lost the sound from the speaker. I fixed it several times, but the sound went off again and again.

    I was quite distressed because I was the one assisting in the control room to help worship services. We didn’t know what to do because all solutions were exhausted. A brother sitting next to me whispered, “It is all because we did not prepare on time.” I was really hurt inside and felt sorry to Father and Mother all the more for not preparing the worship service ahead of time.

    Suddenly, I remembered Heavenly Mother’s words, “Pray to God anytime you face difficulties.” At that very moment, I wanted to put these words into practice by praying, but I thought to myself, ‘Who will fix the sound if it goes off again while I’m praying?’ I turned to look at the brother who whispered to me earlier on. Surprisingly, he was humbly praying to God in silence.

    At that moment, I realized that all Zion family members are truly one body and one big family by the same flesh and blood of our Heavenly Father and Mother; we feel what our brothers and sisters feel, pray for one another, and even spiritually communicate with one another. God answered the brother’s prayer. We had the gracious Passover ceremony without any mistake and all the acoustic apparatuses worked properly.

    Through this incident, I realized the power of the words of Father who said, “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (Jn 13:34) on the Passover day 2,000 years ago, and why Heavenly Mother always emphasizes love.

    Following the teachings of Heavenly Mother who always loves us as ever, we care for one another through prayers even though we cannot meet at one place on this earth. Remembering that brothers and sisters all over the world pray for one another, I feel relieved. I, too, will constantly pray for my brothers and sisters all over the world, especially during this coronavirus crisis. Prayer is like a bridge made of Heavenly Mother’s love, which connects our heavenly family members together as a true one big family.

    I know the day is coming when all of us will meet together in our heavenly home to share beautiful smiles together, remembering the prayers we offered silently for one another. I truly give eternal thanks and praise to Heavenly Father and Mother for allowing me to realize the love of our heavenly family.