
A Passage Engraved in My Soul

Patience, an Important Factor in Our Salvation

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  • We’ve been living under COVID-19 pandemic these days. Seeing various restrictions get placed on Buenos Aires as the situation worsens, I felt frustrated. It wasn’t difficult to follow quarantine guidelines for the first three months. However, as the number of newly reported COVID-19 infections increased, the government lengthened the quarantine period and strengthened restrictions. In such a time of sadness, I was reminded of a verse in the book of Revelation.

    This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus. (Rev 14:12)

    Even though it may be a difficult time, I was reminded of the fact that I should joyfully keep God’s commands with patience.

    Patience is required of God’s people who will be saved. I firmly believe that patience is a virtue that we all need to have on our way to salvation. This is not a time to be dejected; we need to put on the full armor of God and have strong faith, so that we may have firm faith that resembles that of Jesus.

    I truly give thanks to Heavenly Father and Mother for engraving the virtue of patience upon my heart through God’s word.