
Gospel of the Kingdom in the Whole World

Gospel Work Fulfilled in Amazon

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  • In March, COVID-19 pandemic alert was issued in Peru, and we were constrained on gospel activities and our daily life. Nevertheless, the gospel did not stop but even reached the Amazon region in Peru.

    The one who played the catalytic role was Brother German. Amazon’s forest, which functions as the lungs of the earth, is large; it lies in Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia. The brother, who is a teacher in Cayamas, visited his daughter who is in Piura, and on the way home, he happened to stay in his cousin’s house in Chiclayo, Lambayeque, because of the moving alert due to COVID-19. Thankfully, he heard the truth through his cousin, who was our Zion member, and accepted the truth, showing much interest in it. The brother accepted God’s word just as sponge absorbs water, and even walked to Zion for an hour, accompanied by his cousin’s family, wanting to learn the truth. As the alert was prolonged, he stayed in Chiclayo, studying the Bible for about two months, and grew up as a gospel worker quickly. In the middle of July, he went back to his hometown with a strong determination to keep his faith even after he got back.

    The brother preached the truth diligently as soon as he arrived at home. To our surprise, he called us within a week, saying that people in his hometown and people in other towns wanted to be baptized. Right away, we scheduled to meet him in the beginning of August in Santa Maria, where the most people wanted to accept the truth. One thing that bothered us was that there was no transportation because of the alert; even the buses were not allowed to go to the Amazon region. First, we prayed to Father and Mother, and decided to see what would happen.

    Indeed, God opened all the way. One of our members volunteered to give a ride. Right on time, Brother German called us again, saying that there was a house in Nieva, which is closer than Santa Maria, so he would wait for us there. It took 12 hours by car to Nieva. We prepared our pass, and departed from Chiclayo at 8 a.m.

    As we got closer to Amazon, it started to rain. I began to be worried; all the luggage loaded at the back of the car was soaked in the rain, and we could not get out of the rain forest until 9 p.m. although we drove through the forest road for more than 5 hours. Thinking that we might have taken the wrong way, we asked the people passing by, but they only told us to keep going. The rain got stronger and stronger. I thought we had to take a break, but the member, who drove the car, encouraged us, telling us that we had to arrive for the appointment by the next day morning.

    Fortunately, the rain stopped and we drove another hour to arrive in Nieva. With no time to relax, we had a problem. We could not reach Brother German on the phone. It was because of some mobile network problem in Nieva. After many tries, we barely contacted him the next day at 6 a.m. More than twenty souls, who looked forward to salvation, were waiting for us.

    After baptism, we studied the Bible right away. Since the members had to keep their faith alone when we left, we made every effort to explain the verses one by one. Since there was only one solar lamp, the members studied the Bible under the candle light until late at night.

    The next day, on the Sabbath day, two more souls received a new life before the morning worship service. Brother German’s daughter attended the Bible study after the morning worship, and became the child of God. We were deeply moved that the faith of the members towards Heavenly Father and Mother grew as we studied the Bible. In the evening, Brother German conducted the worship service. He, too, was a new member who had received the truth a few months ago, but he had to take care of the members here and conduct worship services from now on. After having the worship service with dignity, he shared his realization about the sacrifice of Heavenly Father and Mother; he was a great gospel worker already. The brother said that before he met the truth, he had been to many churches, looking for the truth, and the moment he heard about Heavenly Mother, he thought that this was the true church. While listening to his story, I thought of the heavenly family members who would be seeking for the truth all over the world. I realized once again that the gospel work goes according to God’s will. Even in the situation that seems difficult to preach, God is already accomplishing His plan to save all humankind. He proved it by leading the brother to the Amazon region, and allowing him to preach there.

    Not being discouraged in a difficult situation, I will devote myself to the gospel, thinking of the heavenly family who is waiting for the truth. I want to make efforts for the gospel in every possible way day after day.

    Let me introduce a letter from the brother who gave me and the members here a deep realization, and finish my writing.

    I am truly filled with gratitude. Before I met Father and Mother, I’ve been to many churches and religions, wanting to be saved. Having been involved in all kinds of religions for a long time, none of them could give me any conviction of salvation, so I searched for the truth again. Meanwhile, I had to go to another region before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. I believe it was God’s will to lead me.

    Hearing about the existence of Heavenly Father and Mother, I felt just as if a streak of light shone upon my soul. I thought, ‘The truth is here,’ and whenever I studied the Bible, I could feel that it was widening my spiritual point of view.

    I am confident that I’ve found the path to the truth, which I’d been searching for and I am in it. Father and Mother, the Saviors in the Age of the Holy Spirit, have opened this path by restoring the Passover, and it is the righteous path that only those who received the seal of God through the Passover can come to.

    I have many things to learn, but I know that Father and Mother give us life and that They are Gods who give us the inheritance of Heaven. Now I desire to preach this good news to many other people so that they too can be saved. The blessing I received in Nieva is my first step.

    I give thanks to Heavenly Father and Mother for allowing me to preach in my hometown. According to God’s words, “If you love me you will obey what I command” (Jn 14:15), I will continue to keep His commands with my brothers and sisters. Preaching in my hometown was a miracle, and I believe a bigger miracle to establish Zion here will take place soon. I will not stop here but keep preaching the gospel. Since the Bible says the gospel of God will be preached to the ends of the earth, we should preach even to the natives and other tribes in the Amazon.

    Heavenly Mother, please allow them too to find the sure way to the truth. I believe that You are with us on this earth, listen to our prayers, and bless us.